What People are Saying
"CherryBalmz is the only gun lubricant we recommend, and we’re emphatic about it." - Sharon Preston

Tim Milkovich, Arizona
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"CherryBalmz works better than advertised, by far."
"I have extremely high standards for what goes in my guns and on them, and I've tried nearly everything.
When you put CherryBalmz on your firearm, it will probably surprise you at just how smooth and slick your gun feels. It's a huge difference. But more important is that it stays put through thousands of rounds of shooting, and doesn’t dry out. CherryBlamz doesn’t fling off onto your glasses or your shirt, and it just lasts far longer than anything else. My guns cycle smoother and are a lot more reliable the whole time. Plus CherryBalmz goes on easy and clean up is about half the time.
I have had other gun lubes shut my guns down, and most just do not work as well as advertised. After our testing, I can tell you CherryBalmz works better than advertised, by far. Besides good training, good magazines, and good ammo, it is simply the best reliability investment you can buy for your gun, period."

Sharon Preston
President, Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association
Founder Ladies Of Lead Group Therapy
4-H National Shooting Team
NRA Training Counselor
"With CherryBalmz, guns are just a lot more reliable, plain and simple."
"I founded and run a shooting and training organization in Central Oregon, called Ladies of Lead Group Therapy, LLC. CherryBalmz is the only gun lubricant we recommend, and we’re emphatic about it.
What we found with CherryBalmz is that guns are just a lot more reliable with it, plain and simple. But from the perspective of a female instructor usually teaching women shooters, one surprising thing that stood out almost immediately with CherryBalmz is that with my new shooters, shooting heavily sprung compact semi-autos, they no longer had difficulty manually cycling their firearms. CherryBalmz lowered the friction in these guns that much, making chambering, unloading, and checking a chamber no longer a struggle. It’s an instant and very big difference.
A couple of other things I’ve experienced, is that CherryBalmz just seems to make guns a lot more forgiving of common mistakes, keeping them reliable when other lubes in those situations allow a malfunction. Gun oil dries in a few months, and on a nightstand or every day carry gun, the CherryBalmz is wet and reliable more than a year after you put it on. People that don’t have good discipline in cleaning their guns after shooting them also get a big margin of safety, because this product seems to keep guns shooting about ten times longer over any gun oil I’ve used.
But one of the most interesting things to me, is that I’ve noticed a lot fewer malfunctions due to grip issues with my new students using CherryBalmz on their guns. Semi-autos tend to malfunction without a firm enough grip. But with CherryBalmz on these guns, the cycling seems to occur with more authority before human factors can interfere. We definitely train for a consistent grip with adequate pressure to give the handgun a solid platform to cycle ammunition, and to manage recoil and follow through, but in so many instances this lube just seems to make guns a lot more forgiving of human error.
I genuinely and with great commitment, recommend this product to all of my students. If you or someone you love carries a gun, I consider this lube a big investment in their safety. On a side note for those shooting a .22 semi-automatic, you know how finicky they can be with certain ammunition. With CherryBalmz on the rails I have found that I can shoot lower velocity ammunition without malfunctions. Over all it’s a great product. AND IT SMELLS REALLY NICE TOO."
Don Carolla, Texas
"I've used Cherry Balmz products on everything from ARs and modern pistols to my Trapdoor Springfield and other old guns, and this stuff just doesn't quit working."
"I've used Cherry Balmz products on everything from ARs and modern pistols to my Trapdoor Springfield and other old guns, and this stuff just doesn't quit working. I've never had something work this well. The guns stay slick, fire flawlessly, and the grease just cleans up so well too. I have an old bolt-action Terni (Vetterli-Vitali M) model 1870/87/15 in 10.35mmx47 R made in 1887-1891 that was just sluggish and really tough to crank. But after using your products, it moves like new!
It's surprising how smooth it was, almost what I imagine it would have been like brand new from the factory. Plus, as a grease, it would take years to dehydrate, so I can keep these old guns put up and know their actions will be slick and always work, even if I only shoot them once a year or so. Great stuff, no matter when the gun was made!!"